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Troubleshooting | iDive

The iDive (with BOOT v2) shows the message CRC error.
(The iDive is not able to boot the OS. Most of the times the CRC error occours when during an OS update the USB cable is unplugged before the update is done.)

If you have an iDive with BOOT v 1 follow this tutorial for PC > or this tutorial for Mac >

Restore the OS of the iDive with the Ratio ToolBox.

How to:
Download and install the Ratio ToolBox in your PC/Mac/Linux (download link below), using the Ratio USB cable connect the iDive to your PC/Mac/Linux and follow the instruction displayed in the Ratio ToolBox. (Note that your PC/Mac/Linux has to be connected to internet to fix ther CRC error)

    - (Link) Ratio ToolBox for PC / Mac / Linux >

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